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Partner Details
BCC Solutions Oy

BCC Solutions Oy is a Tektronix Full Instrument Business Portfolio distributor in Finland and Estonia. Their strengths are in-depth technical expertise, extensive product knowledge and ability to fully demonstrate the capabilities of Tektronix and Keithley products for their customers.
Spécialisation du produit
DPO/MSO2000B, TDS1000B/TDS1000C-EDU/2000C/3000C, TPS2000B, DPO/MSO/MDO3000, THS3000, DPO/MSO/MDO4000C, DPO/MSO5000B, DPO7000C, DPO/MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000SX, RSA300, RSA5000/6000, TLA6000/7000, AFG3000, FCA3000, DMM, Power Supplies and Meters, Probes, Accessories and Keithley: DMM, SMU, Power Supplies and Switching, USB Spectrum Analyzers.
- Téléphone:+358 9 222 5001
- Fax: +358 9 222 50 02
Pays de commercialisation
Estonia, Finland
Localisation des centres
Pays | Ville/état ou région | CONTACT |
Finland | Vantaa | Téléphone: +358 9 222 5001 Fax: +358 9 222 50 02 |